Take up cooperation with Halmod Group - Polish manufacturer of steel halls. Get an additional secure source of income.
Check out the details!
Demand for steel halls and storage infrastructure in Poland is growing rapidly.
The demand for warehouse space at the end of last year reached the level of 5 million sqm!
We are meeting the needs of the market and plan to increase sales of our modular halls.
Ale aby osiągnąć ten cel i spełnić nasze ambicje, musimy zwiększyć zaplecze realizacyjne.
Most customers want to put up a facility from A to Z. That’s why our ambition is to expand our business with your expertise to meet customer expectations.
For that, we need business partners like you, all over the country!
Cooperation with us is transparent, respectful of subcontractors and on a win-win basis!
It is worth joining us!
See if we are looking for just you!
Depending on the stage of the investment, we offer cooperation to a given group of specialists:
Stage 1.
See if we are looking for just you!
At this stage we need surveyors and geologists to help us properly survey the plot.
We also invite specialists in earthworks and building foundation.
The scope of work we expect is: soil replacement, site reinforcement or concrete pouring.
Stage 2.
This is where the companies that will take care of the installation of our steel hall.
Zapewniamy pełną instrukcję i wdrożenie!
At this stage of the project, the scope of work required is to clad the walls and roof of the structure with board or sheet metal, flashings and installation of joinery, i.e. installation of windows, doors and gates.
Stage 3.
At this stage we count on the assistance of qualified specialists in adapting the building for use, in terms of extensive finishing works, so that the investment can be used for the purpose expected by the client.
Current job openings for subcontractors
Below we are publishing current cooperation offers for subcontractors, i.e. work we want to commission to be done in the near future.
If you have the competence, people and time to do it for us, please send your application through the form.
Work to be done:
Work to be done:
Work to be done:
Check what kind of steel hall you can order?
Check out the map of our realizations!
We are looking for contractors all over the country, but pay attention to the highest density of our investments in Silesia, Malopolska or Kuyavia and Warmia and Mazury.
Here you will get acquainted with a detailed map of our realizations: https://halmod.pl/o-firmie/nasze-realizacje/
Form of cooperation - benefits for both parties and win-win principle
To begin with, we offer occasional cooperation.
It is mutually beneficial for both parties.
We will have a chance to check the quality of your work, and you will have the time and opportunity to trust us as a contractor.
Ultimately, we are looking for contractors with whom we will work on a regular basis, that is, so that after completing one project, we will seamlessly move on to another.
HalMod will work with you as its business partner under the terms of the cooperation agreement we sign.
We respect our partners and want to work with them on a win-win basis.
We are committed to this mutual approach.
Principles of work billing - transparency and benefits for you
The billing rules for outsourced work are transparent and beneficial to our partners.
We settle for the work performed on an open book basis, meaning that you as the contractor know what quote has been sent to the client and what the margin will be for HalMod as a manufacturer of steel halls.
Ta marża musi zostać zachowana, ponieważ to my jako HalMod Heverc Group we provide the appropriate guarantee for the customer, obtain the order and, as an entity, are responsible for its implementation.
Need more information? We are happy to answer any questions!
How to start business cooperation with Halmod?
Applications should be sent to: hale@halmod.pl and include: contact information, the region where you intend to operate, and the scope of work.
When giving your location, remember to specify it precisely, such as northern Wielkopolska, from Zakrzewo, through Pila, to Poznan and the surrounding area.
Include in your application the date when you can start working with us.
Work on projects will not be outsourced to you right away.
However, know that in 2024 we are already selling an average of 4 modular halls per month, so there is a very good chance that we will start cooperation later this year!
Selection of subcontractors - what do we pay attention to?
When deciding to cooperate, we consider the following things:
- Seniority.
- A list of documented collaborations with other companies or clients.
- Photos from the implementation.
- The number of documented forms of cooperation, such as contracts.
Who we are - or a few words about your future partner - HalMod Group
HalMod is a manufacturer of modular halls Cold-formed steel profiles.
We also deal with their installation and advice on design and implementation of investments.
At HalMod, we have specialized for many years in the production of modular structures for steel halls.
Mamy więc duże doświadczenie w swojej dziedzinie i jesteśmy zaufanym partnerem.
Nasze konstrukcje znalazły zastosowanie i świetnie się sprawdzają w takich branżach jak: rolna, przemysłowa, motoryzacyjna, dystrybucyjno-handlowa czy logistyczna. Learn more about us!
Become a Halmod partner today and start earning some money
We invite you to work together so that everyone wins – our partners, customers and us.
Win-win pays off for everyone.
Let’s talk and take advantage of the market situation. Contact us.
Need more information? We are happy to answer any questions!